Work From Home or Work From Office is not an all or nothing premise. We can do both and also work from the local coffee shop or coworking facility. Let’s stop the polarized contention that people either hate working from home or love it.
It doesn’t matter any one individual’s preference. What matters is that, within the boundaries of our business objectives, both management and staff can have a choice.
Most companies are struggling now with how to determine a remote work policy. If your firm is one of them, don’t feel alone. In the latest FL Institute of CFO’s survey, over 70% of firms report that they are in the process of trying to figure it out, while less than 20% have made a decision on how to move forward. Check out the results:
For the firms that have figured it out, we’re seeing customized policies that are each as unique as the product offering of the firm. Some of the common traits:
- Varied Schedules – No one size fits all staff positions, tenures, or personal work styles
- Flexible Locations – Workplace based on events, projects, and changing team priorities
- Departmental Decision Making – Policies set at local department manager level
Here is one inescapable truth: Most knowledge workers can effectively Work From Anywhere.
It is now up to each firm to consider how that understanding will drive their unique company culture, help them to attract and retain staff, and provide them with a competitive advantage.
Work is what we do, not where we go.

If you’d like to get more insight as to what other firms are planning, take this five question two minute survey:
Note: The survey is open to firms with 50 or more office staff only! Please respond only if you fit that criteria.
>> Office Transformation Survey
Your individual response will be confidential and presentation of all results will be anonymous. Respondents will get detailed results and we’ll have future posts here discussing general trends. We appreciate your participation.